Sure its not the fastest computer in the world (i5 2500k running at 3,4 Ghz with 4 cores, 16 gig ram, GTX 1060 6 GB). Fortunately, Unreal Build Tool (UBT) supports generating such a compile data base since version 4. I don't know what Generate project file means, and I don't know what Compile means.
Out of 1311 detected issues, 302 were reviewed by a human. Just using a small and cheap SSD can give you incredible boost for low cash. I installed the only version available for visual studio 2017, and I cannot compile Unreal Engine 4. But, dont know enough about them to know which i might want to use and why. 0 with the ability to open this new anti-aliasing solution for all games. By default UE4 has many post processing effects turned on that may lower your performance, especially on low end GPUs. Unreal engine compiler UnrealHeaderTool Inspections Take advantage of the seamless integration of UnrealHeaderTool and catch all the issues related to Unreal Engine macros and metadata, before you even compile your code.